Course “Barista Expert”


In this course you will receive specialized training for a senior barista in practical and theoretical skills in working with coffee and equipment. You will learn what path coffee takes, from its growth to the very cup of espresso, what automation systems there are and how they work, how coffee equipment differs from each other and how to care for it, learn how to consistently prepare cappuccino, latte, flat white, raf coffee and decorate their elements latte art. Get acquainted with and practice brewing coffee using alternative methods, as well as find out what additives are most often used in coffee and what methods can be used to prepare drinks.



Block 1: Coffee Theory
Block 2: The path from sprout to cup
Block 3: Espresso part I
Block 4: Espresso part II
Block 5: Milk
Block 6: Cash register and coffee shop automation
Block 7: Consolidation
Block 8: Latte art
Block 9: Alternative Brewing Methods
Block 10: Coffee Additives


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