Who is online (distance) learning suitable for?

  • For a barista with experience who plans to improve their skills
  • For a student with no work experience who can start working as a barista
  • For those who want to open a coffee shop or owners of coffee shops
  • For everyone who is interested in learning theory and has the opportunity to consolidate their learning in practice

Pros of online learning

  • You can learn the skill of a barista using the most intense proprietary program for quite reasonable money.
  • If you work and study at the same time, a flexible schedule will give you the opportunity to combine these types of activities.
  • You do not need to go anywhere! You study where you are most comfortable doing it.
  • Online barista courses provide an opportunity to receive the highest quality education where there are not enough qualified personnel.

Online training for baristas, aspiring entrepreneurs and coffee shop owners using special techniques from the Barista League. Thanks to the accumulated experience, our team can conduct courses and trainings, both in the training center and online. You can receive training from anywhere in the world.

How does online training work?

  • Training takes place on a closed platform, accessible both from a computer and a smartphone. For communication and quick response to questions, there is a general chat in Telegram with participants and mentors.
  • You will receive a link with an invitation to the closed platform closer to the start of the course by email, which you specified in the application on the website or sent to our manager.
  • At each stage, a video lesson is published once a week (lesson duration from 10 to 40 minutes) with homework. You can watch the lessons at a convenient time, and take the course from any country.
  • You are given 1 week to familiarize yourself with the lesson and complete the assignment; homework must be published strictly before the deadline.
  • If a participant does not complete his homework, he is not allowed to the next stage.
  • After checking the assignment, in case of shortcomings and comments from mentors, time is given for mandatory correction of the work. If the participant does not correct the work, he is not allowed to the next stage.

The course also hosts streams after each stage with analysis of homework, questions and feedback from mentors. Recordings of streams are published after they take place and remain available on the platform.

Access to training materials and stage chat is maintained for 1 month from the date of completion of the course.